Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 2:59PM

Friday Game Night

No media allowed as prep sports set to return on June 8
Players, coaches, parents, fans, and certainly lonely sports writers have been chomping at the bit to get back to doing what they do best: play, coach, watch and cover sports on a daily basis...
6:03AM ( 4 years ago )
Hall County Schools release Phase 1 plan; athletes set to return on June 8
The Hall County School District announced on Tuesday that it will allow student-athletes to return for conditioning/workouts beginning on June 8.
4:12PM ( 4 years ago )
Podcast: Social distancing in Sanford Stadium, Bobby Dodd and The Benz
NFL owners and universities around the country could be pulling out the calculator to figure out how many fans would be allowed in the stadium. This, of course, if they are even allowed back to watch a game in person.
11:00AM ( 4 years ago )
Area school systems ready for June 8 start
Like the stretch run at the end of a long cross country race, state and northeast Georgia area school systems can see the finish line, or in this case, perhaps the starting line to hopefully the beginning preparations for the 2020-21 season...
8:02AM ( 4 years ago )
2020 Region RunDown Series: 8-A Public football
The newest series on AccessWDUN, our 2020 Region RunDown webcast, will look at each region involving northeast Georgia area teams as we, hopefully, begin preparations for the upcoming 2020-21 sports season. This week we will look at Region 8-A Public, which features northeast Georgia programs Commerce and Towns County...
9:45AM ( 4 years ago )
ICYMI: Coaches, athletes will follow set guidelines as they return to school on June 8
High School athletes around the state will be allowed to begin workouts and conditioning on June 8 and most of the area schools will take advantage.
1:07PM ( 4 years ago )
Schofield releases statement on GHSA decision about beginning workouts
Hall County Superintendent Will Schofield says the system's student-athletes will not be required to return to workouts.
1:05PM ( 4 years ago )
2020 Region RunDown Series: 8-2A football
The newest series on AccessWDUN, our 2020 Region RunDown webcast, will look at each region involving northeast Georgia area teams as we, hopefully, begin preparations for the upcoming 2020-21 sports season. This week we will look at Region 8-2A, which features northeast Georgia programs Banks County, Rabun County, Riverside Military Academy, and Union County...
8:04AM ( 4 years ago )
GHSA board tabs June 8 for athletes' return; Hall County, GHS 'ready to go'
The Georgia High School Association will begin allowing workouts and training with restrictions by its member schools in an effort to begin preparation for a possible return to sporting events in the fall...
7:03AM ( 4 years ago )
Transparency, not costs, main factor in RMA fall sports decision
One day after the unenviable task of having to draft the notice saying fall sports was being called off, Amanda Willis, VP for Operations and Strategic Communications and Initiatives at Riverside Military Academy, was more than eager to elaborate on the school’s unprecedented move...
10:02AM ( 4 years ago )