Wednesday March 12th, 2025 5:50PM

Business News reports $1.3 million loss, the name-your-own-price Internet company, reported a fourth-quarter net loss of $1.3 million Monday, far smaller than the same period a year ago despite a weakened airline industry.
10:28AM ( 23 years ago )
Arthur Andersen hiring former Fed chairman for oversight board
Arthur Andersen LLP, the auditor under fire for its handling of Enron Corp.'s financial books, says it has brought in former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker to help it make fundamental changes in the way it does business.
8:37AM ( 23 years ago )
Internal Enron probe finds abuses among executives in running complex partnerships
Enron Corp. executives pocketed large amounts of money in running complex partnerships used to disguise the troubled energy company's financial problems while top managers and auditors provided little oversight, an internal probe found.
8:35AM ( 23 years ago )
Report: Atlanta leads the nation in bankruptcies
Metro Atlanta has the highest rate of bankruptcy among major metro areas, according to a newspaper's analysis of personal bankruptcy filings in more than 3,000 metro counties nationwide.
8:03AM ( 23 years ago )
Super Bowl advertisers mix serious, sentimental messages amid humorous ones
It was a rare Super Bowl where the game may have been more entertaining than the commercials.

7:50AM ( 23 years ago )
Enron's ex-employees disappointed former CEO Kenneth Lay refused to testify
Like so many other laid-off Enron Corp. employees, Sue Nix had been looking forward to hearing its embattled former leader explain what happened.
7:48AM ( 23 years ago )
OPEC: Oil production likely to level
OPEC is likely to leave oil production unchanged at its upcoming meeting in March, the cartel's secretary-general said Saturday.
10:12AM ( 23 years ago )
Jobless rate takes unexpected fall
Nearly 1 million discouraged people suspended their job searches in January, producing an unexpected drop in the nation's unemployment rate.
10:10AM ( 23 years ago )
Study: Investments up in 4th quarter
Venture capitalists emerged from the dot-com debris to finance more fresh ideas late last year.
10:08AM ( 23 years ago )
Study: Few benefits in Alaska gasline deal
Alaska has few incentives to own a stake in a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to the Lower 48 states, according to a Department of Revenue report.
9:47AM ( 23 years ago )