Monday March 10th, 2025 1:32PM

Business News

Georgia Kenaf farmers high on African fiber crop that resembles marijuana
A materials company is encouraging southern farmers to grow kenaf, a fast-growing fibrous plant that it says can be turned into a new type of environmentally friendly lumber that termites won't touch.
5:30AM ( 23 years ago )
Nearly 200 laid off Enron employees demand severance pay from former employer
Nearly 200 former Enron Corp. workers have united to demand severance pay from the bankrupt energy giant that abruptly laid them off last month.
5:12AM ( 23 years ago )
Greenspan speech gets second look
Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, whose words are difficult to interpret in the best of times, may have come across as too pessimistic about the economy's chances for recovery in a recent speech.
8:37AM ( 23 years ago )
Prefab home buyers, retailers feel pinch of tighter lending
Cindy Elder wants to sell more mobile homes, and the customers who walk onto her lot sure want to buy them.
8:37AM ( 23 years ago )
Report: AOL in talks to buy Red Hat
Both companies declined to comment Saturday on a published report that AOL Time Warner Inc. is negotiating to buy the Linux distributor Red Hat Inc.
8:35AM ( 23 years ago )
Execs struggle with Enron scandal
Clearly, in the pinched language of damage control, ``mistakes were made.'' Now comes the time for Enron's executives and the accounting firm that allowed its creative bookkeeping to explain sudden bankruptcy.
8:32AM ( 23 years ago )
Auto loan company accused of bias
An auto loan company has been accused of overcharging minorities for interest on their cars in two federal lawsuits filed in four states and the District of Columbia.
8:30AM ( 23 years ago )
Big Game jackpot increases to $9 million
None of the tickets sold for Friday's $7 million drawing matched all five lotto numbers and the Big Money Ball. The next drawing will be Tuesday.
8:09AM ( 23 years ago )
3M plans to cut 1,000 more jobs
3M, which announced a 13 percent drop in fourth-quarter earnings, said Friday it will cut 1,000 more jobs this year than had been previously announced.
8:03AM ( 23 years ago )
GM: Fuel cells 'holy grail'
Automobile industry experts call it ``the holy grail'' - a new type of fuel that would make gasoline obsolete and replace car fumes with a harmless mist.
7:58AM ( 23 years ago )