Monday February 24th, 2025 2:20PM

Food Inspections

Quality Inn

3469 Mundy Mill Rd Oakwood, GA 30566
Inspected by: Kobi Sisengchanh
Inspection Date: 02/06/2025
Inpection Notes

6-1A - proper cold holding temperatures 511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; cold holding (p) Points: 9 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed gallon of milk stored in reach-in cooler cold holding above 41°F. Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control, time/temperature control for safety food shall be maintained at 41°F (5°C). Corrective Actions: PIC (person in charge) voluntarily discarded gallon of milk. 12A - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage, display 511-6-1.04(4)(w)2 - consumer self-service operation, suitable utensils (pf) Points: 3 Corrected during inspection?: No Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed gallon of milk in consumer self-service area being dispensed ineffectively where consumers have to unscrew cap each time milk is poured. Consumer self-service operations for ready-to-eat foods shall be provided with suitable utensils or effective dispensing methods that protect the food from contamination. Corrective Actions: PIC (person in charge) stated new dispensing method will be used for milk in consumer self-service area. 15A - food and nonfood-contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used 511-6-1.05(6)(a) - good repair & proper adjustment (c) Points: 1 Corrected during inspection?: No Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed gaskets/seals on cold holding unit in poor repair. Equipment components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates shall be kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Corrective Actions: PIC (person in charge) stated owner of tourist accommodation will be contacted to repair gasket on cold holding unit. 15B - warewashing facilities: installed, maintained, used; test strips 511-6-1.05(3)(h),(i) - temperature measuring device, manual warewashing; sanitizing solutions, testing device (pf) Points: 1 Corrected during inspection?: No Repeat: Yes Inspector Notes: **First Consecutive Repeat Violation** No QAC (quaternary ammonium compounds) sanitizing solution test strips available. A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of sanitizing solutions shall be provided. Corrective Actions: PIC (person in charge) stated owner of tourist accommodation will be contacted to purchase QAC test strips. 17C - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean 511-6-1.07(5)(a),(b) - good repair, physical facilities maintained; cleaning, frequency & restrictions, cleaned often enough to keep them clean (c) Points: 1 Corrected during inspection?: No Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed hole in wall in room with 3-compartment sink. All physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. Corrective Actions: PIC (person in charge) stated owner of tourist accommodation will be contacted to repair hole in wall.

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