Monday February 24th, 2025 2:29PM

Food Inspections

King Kong Milktea & Smoothie

3885 Mundy Mill Rd STE 107 Oakwood, GA 30566
Inspected by: Kobi Sisengchanh
Inspection Date: 02/13/2025
Inpection Notes

2-2D - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible 511-6-1.07(3)(b) - hand drying provision (pf) Points: 4 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed hand sink in restroom stocked without paper towels. Each handwashing sink or group of adjacent handwashing sinks shall be provided with: Individual, disposable towels; A continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel; A heated-air hand drying device; or A hand drying device that employs an air-knife system that delivers high velocity, pressurized air at ambient temperatures. Corrective Actions: Manager immediately restocked restroom with new supply of paper towels. 8-2B - toxic substances properly identified, stored, used 511-6-1.07(6)(e) - conditions of use (p, pf, c) Points: 4 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed Raid insect control spray intended for residential use stored near back exit of facility. Poisonous or toxic materials shall be used according to: Law and this Chapter; Manufacturer's use directions included in labeling, and, for a pesticide, manufacturer's label instructions that state that use is allowed in a food service establishment. Corrective Actions: Manager stated Raid insect control spray will be removed from facility.

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