Sunday March 9th, 2025 11:02AM

Food Inspections

Dunkin Donuts

504 Queen City Pkwy Gainesville, GA 30501
Inspected by: Kobi Sisengchanh
Inspection Date: 02/21/2025
Inpection Notes

2-2D - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible 511-6-1.06(2)(o) - using a handwashing sink- operation & maintenance (pf) Points: 4 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed plastic cup stored in hand sink. A handwashing facility may not be used for purposes other than handwashing. Corrective Actions: Manager removed cup and instructed employees on proper use of hand sinks. 12B - personal cleanliness 511-6-1.03(5)(g) - jewelry (c) Points: 3 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed employee wearing bracelet while actively preparing a drink. Except for a plain ring such as a wedding band food employees may not wear jewelry including medical information jewelry on their arms and hands while preparing food. Corrective Actions: Manager instructed employee to remove bracelet and wash their hands before returning to work. 12B - personal cleanliness 511-6-1.03(5)(i) - hair restraints (c) Points: 3 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed employee with hair longer than 1/2 inch actively preparing a drink without proper hair restraint. Employees preparing or handling food shall use effective and clean, disposable or easily cleanable nets or other hair restraints approved by the Health Authority, worn properly to restrain loose hair including beards and mustaches longer than one half inch. Corrective Actions: Manager instructed employee to obtain hair restraint before returning to work. 14A - in-use utensils: properly stored 511-6-1.04(4)(k) - in-use utensils, between-use storage (c) Points: 1 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed ice scoop stored in ice bin with handle making contact with ice. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container. Corrective Actions: Manager rearranged scoop so that the handle was above the ice. 17D - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used 511-6-1.07(4)(b) - designated areas for employee activity, located to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, & single service articles (c) Points: 1 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Observed several personal drinks stored away from designated areas near prep surfaces. Observed employee car keys stored on dry storage shelving. Employees shall store personal items in designated areas for employee activity. Corrective Actions: Manager moved all personal items to designated area and instructed employees on proper storage of personal items.

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