Sunday March 9th, 2025 11:00AM

Food Inspections


7370 Spout Springs Rd Flowery Branch, Ga 30542
Inspected by: Adetayo Adewolu
Inspection Date: 03/04/2025
Inpection Notes

8-2B - toxic substances properly identified, stored, used 511-6-1.07(6)(g) - chemical sanitizers, criteria (p) Points: 4 Corrected during inspection?: Yes Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Chlorine concentration in sanitizer bucket was observed to be more than 100PPM when tested with a chemical test kit. 511-6-1.07(6)(g) - Chemical Sanitizers, Criteria (P) (g) Chemical Sanitizers, Criteria. Chemical sanitizers, including chemical sanitizing solutions generated on-site, and other chemical antimicrobials applied to food-contact surfaces shall: 1. Meet requirements specified in 40 CFR 180.940 Tolerance exemptions for active and inert ingredients for use in antimicrobial formulations (Food-contact surface sanitizing solutions) P. Note: The chlorine concentration was discarded and a new solution of chlorine was prepared that had a concentration of between 50 - 100PPM during the inspection. 17C - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean 511-6-1.07(5)(a),(b) - good repair, physical facilities maintained; cleaning, frequency & restrictions, cleaned often enough to keep them clean (c) Points: 1 Corrected during inspection?: No Repeat: No Inspector Notes: Water was observed leaking form the chemical dispensing unit at the Mop sink. 511-6-1.07(5)(a),(b) - Good Repair, physical facilities maintained; Cleaning, Frequency & Restrictions, cleaned often enough to keep them clean (C) (5) Maintenance and Operation. (a) Good Repair. All physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.

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