Directory mistake sends UPS callers to sexy chat line instead
Posted 3:47PM on Thursday 31st January 2002 ( 23 years ago )
SAGINAW, MICHIGAN - Some Saginaw-area telephone callers dialing the United Parcel Service are instead getting connected with a sexy chat line. <br>
The latest edition of the Tri-Cities Directory, published by TransWestern Publishing, includes two numbers for UPS. One connects callers to the Atlanta-based UPS customer service hot line, with information on package pickups and deliveries. <br>
The other number, a mistaken misprint, connects callers to ``Intimate Connections,'' a chat line offering ``sexy introductions to live callers'' for a $1.99-per-minute fee. <br>
Officials at UPS are assuring customers that UPS is still in the shipping business -- exclusively. UPS said this is the second consecutive year in which TransWestern has published the wrong number. <br>
Spokeswoman Vanessa Smith told The Saginaw (Michigan) News ``We haven't changed anything. It's very bizarre.'' <br>
Officials with TransWestern Publishing of San Diego said it's not bizarre -- it's just a simple mistake. <br>
The publishing company said the chat line's number likely once belonged to UPS and was included by mistake in the new directory. <br>
The company distributed nearly 200,000 copies of the directory to residents in Saginaw, Bay and Midland counties last month. Editors will correct the mistake for the December 2003 version.
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