
Big, politically connected Texas law firm has forged close ties with Enron

Posted 6:09AM on Monday 28th January 2002 ( 23 years ago )
HOUSTON - Vinson & Elkins&#39; reputation took 80 years to polish and one client to smudge. <br> <br> The largest law firm in Houston and the most profitable in Texas, Vinson & Elkins has been stung by accusations it showed poor judgment -- or worse -- in work for Enron Corp. <br> <br> An Enron insider claims Vinson & Elkins blessed partnership deals that hid the energy trading company&#39;s shaky financial situation until it collapsed into bankruptcy. <br> <br> Outside lawyers say the firm violated ethical standards by reviewing the accusations itself instead of demanding an impartial, outside review. <br> <br> V&E has worked for Enron since the energy company&#39;s founding in the mid-1980s and Enron is now its biggest client, accounting for $35 million of its $450 million in billings last year. <br> <br> Vinson & Elkins&#39; work for Enron might not have attracted much attention but for an Enron executive&#39;s letter written in August to chairman Kenneth Lay. <br> <br> The executive, Sherron Watkins, fretted that Enron could &#34;implode in a wave of accounting scandals,&#34; and urged the company to hire a law firm to investigate murky accounting and partnership deals that helped keep billions in debt off Enron&#39;s books. <br> <br> &#34;Can&#39;t use V&E due to conflict -- they provided some true sale opinions on some of the deals,&#34; Watkins wrote. Lawyers write true sale opinions on the legality of transactions. <br> <br> Enron ignored Watkins&#39; plea and turned back to Vinson & Elkins. In October, V&E partner Max Hendrick III wrote to Enron&#39;s general counsel James Derrick Jr., a former V&E partner, that Watkins&#39; charges could prove embarrassing but merited no further investigation. <br> <br> Lawyers who specialize in suing other lawyers say Vinson & Elkins left itself open to attack by angry shareholders and ex-employees by not insisting that another firm be hired to investigate Watkins&#39; claims. <br> <br> &#34;When you&#39;ve got someone asking you to review your own conduct, there&#39;s a bias,&#34; said Sean Jez, who represents shareholders suing Enron officers and directors. <br> <br> A legal malpractice specialist, Valorie Davenport, said big law firms fight over clients Enron&#39;s size and tend to gloss over problems to get and keep that business. <br> <br> Vinson & Elkins won&#39;t say what role it played in approving the controversial Enron partnerships. <br> <br> Watkins, the Enron executive who raised the accusation against the law firm, doesn&#39;t have documentary proof but &#34;reliable sources communicated to her that the work was done,&#34; said her lawyer, Philip Hilder. <br> <br> A spokesman for Vinson & Elkins, Joe Householder, said the firm couldn&#39;t discuss its work for Enron because it still represents the company. <br> <br> &#34;We are fully confident that everything we&#39;ve done for Enron is to the highest professional and ethical standards,&#34; he said. <br> <br> Founded in 1917, the firm specialized in working with banks to provide legal advice and financing to Texas&#39; then-young oil industry, and it grew rapidly as the energy sector boomed. <br> <br> &#34;They did very good work, much of it humdrum work, like checking land titles. Attention to detail,&#34; said Harold Hyman, a retired Rice University history professor who wrote a book about the firm. <br> <br> Vinson & Elkins partners, who once included former Texas Gov. John Connally, grew rich. <br> <br> But the firm also developed a progressive reputation for doing pro bono work on civil-liberties cases and for hiring female, black and Jewish partners in the 1970s, before many other Texas law firms did. <br> <br> The law firm has forged close ties with many Texas politicians, especially President Bush. <br> <br> Two of its partners and a third who recently left were among the &#34;pioneers&#34; who raised at least $100,000 for Bush&#39;s presidential campaign. White House counsel Alberto Gonzalez -- sometimes mentioned as a possible Bush nominee to the Supreme Court -- is a former Vinson & Elkins attorney. <br> <br>

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