
Wendy's founder Dave Thomas dies at home in Florida, company says

Posted 10:06AM on Tuesday 8th January 2002 ( 23 years ago )
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Dave Thomas, the portly pitchman whose homespun ads built Wendy&#39;s Old-Fashioned Hamburgers into one of the world&#39;s most successful fast-food enterprises, has died. He was 69. <br> <br> Thomas died around midnight at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the company said Tuesday. <br> <br> The cause of death was not given. Thomas had been undergoing kidney dialysis since early 2001 and had quadruple heart bypass surgery in December 1996. <br> <br> Company officials were meeting at Wendy&#39;s headquarters in the Columbus suburb of Dublin and planned an announcement later Tuesday. <br> <br> The founder and senior chairman of Wendy&#39;s International became a household name when he began pitching his burgers and fries in television commercials in 1989. The smiling Thomas, always wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and red tie, touted the virtues of fast-food in humorous ads, sometimes featuring stars such as bluesman B.B. King and soap opera queen Susan Lucci. <br> <br> &#34;As long as it works, I&#39;ll continue to do the commercials,&#34; Thomas said in a 1991 interview. &#34;When it&#39;s not working any longer, then I&#39;m history.&#34; <br> <br> But burgers weren&#39;t his first love. Thomas, who was adopted as an infant, became a national advocate for adoption. <br> <br> He created the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, a not-for-profit organization focused on raising public awareness of adoption. The profits from his books, &#34;Dave&#39;s Way&#34; and &#34;Well Done!&#34; go to the foundation. <br> <br> He once testified before a Congressional committee about the importance of creating incentives for adoption. <br> <br> &#34;I know firsthand how important it is for every child to have a home and loving family,&#34; he testified. &#34;Without a family, I would not be where I am today.&#34; <br> <br> Born July 2, 1932, Thomas was 12 when he got his first job -- delivering groceries in Knoxville, Tenn. He joined the restaurant business in the 1950s. <br> <br> While working at a barbecue restaurant in Fort Wayne, Ind., he met KFC founder Col. Harland Sanders, who became a major influence. <br> <br> Thomas came to Columbus in 1962 to take over four failing KFC restaurants for his boss, who promised Thomas a 45 percent stake in them if he turned them around. Sanders sold the restaurants back to KFC for $1.5 million in 1968, making Thomas a millionaire at 35. <br> <br> He opened his first Wendy&#39;s Old Fashioned Hamburgers in Columbus a year later. He named the restaurant after his 8-year-old daughter Melinda Lou, nicknamed Wendy by her siblings. <br> <br> The chain grew to 4,800 restaurants in the United States and 34 countries by 1996. That year, Wendy&#39;s acquired the 1,200-store, Canadian-based Tim Hortons chain of coffee and fresh-baked goods. <br> <br> Thomas was a forgiving businessman. <br> <br> The city of Philadelphia in 1994 wanted to fine Wendy&#39;s $98,400, claiming the restaurant was selling quarter-pounders that were up to a quarter of an ounce short. The city later announced it made an error and withdrew the fine. <br> <br> &#34;I understand what happened,&#34; said Thomas, who visited the city shortly after the controversy. &#34;Things happen. Mistakes happen. As far as we&#39;re concerned, we just want to go to the future. A bright future.&#34; <br> <br> He tried to retire in 1982, but came back in 1989. <br> <br> &#34;They took the focus off the consumer,&#34; he said of the executives who took over the company. <br> <br> It was the TV commercials that made Thomas famous. Industry analysts and company officials said the ads helped the company rebound from a difficult period in the mid-1980s when earnings sank. In 1996, Thomas taped his 500th commercial. Rotund at first, he appeared slimmer in the ads in recent years. <br> <br> &#34;He&#39;s given Wendy&#39;s a corporate identity ... a down-homey type image. The lack of sophistication is a real benefit for the company,&#34; Diane Mustain, a financial analyst, said in 1991. <br> <br> Despite his success, it wasn&#39;t until 1993 that he earned a high school equivalency certificate. <br> <br> That year, he told 2,500 Columbus public school seniors his biggest mistake was not finishing high school. <br> <br> &#34;We have 4,000 restaurants today, but if I had gotten my high school diploma, we might have 8,000,&#34; he said. <br>

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