
Transportation Department to begin study to encode data on driver's licenses

Posted 6:05PM on Monday 7th January 2002 ( 23 years ago )
WASHINGTON - The government is taking first steps with the states to develop driver&#39;s licenses that can electronically store information -- such as fingerprints -- for the 184 million Americans who carry the cards. <br> <br> Privacy experts fear the effort may lead to de facto national identification cards that would allow authorities to track citizens electronically, circumventing the intense debate over federal ID cards. <br> <br> Supporters said it was predictable after Sept. 11, and after a briefly raucous debate over U.S. identity cards, that officials would turn to improving existing identification systems. With careful use, they say, these new licenses could alert authorities if a suspected terrorist attempted to board an airliner, withdraw cash or enter the country. <br> <br> The Transportation Department, under instructions from Congress, is expected to develop rules for states to encode data onto driver&#39;s licenses to prevent criminals from using them as false identification. Under a new national standard, a license from California could be verified and recorded using equipment even in Texas or Florida. <br> <br> In a report accompanying the funding legislation, Congress told the department it would &#34;strongly encourage&#34; officials there to develop guides quickly with the states for electronically storing information on licenses. &#34;This could benefit the nation&#39;s efforts to improve security,&#34; lawmakers wrote, adding it could also cut down on financial fraud and underage drinking. <br> <br> Transportation officials told The Associated Press this week the department&#39;s new security administration probably will take charge of the project, still in its early stages. Already, 37 states store information on licenses electronically -- often using bar codes or a magnetic stripe -- though none yet are known to include fingerprints or imprints of retinal- or facial-scans. <br> <br> &#34;What you&#39;re seeing here is sort of a hardening of the driver&#39;s license that could lead to development of a national ID system without creating a national ID card,&#34; said Marc Rotenberg, head of the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center. <br> <br> &#34;If they start scanning these things, they can track where I go,&#34; said Richard M. Smith, former chief technology officer for the Privacy Foundation, an advocacy organization in Denver. &#34;If we do this, come up with a national standard, there&#39;s no difference between a driver&#39;s license and a national ID card.&#34; <br> <br> Nathan Root, standards director for the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, said, &#34;When you look at the expense of improving what we have already versus implementing a new national ID document, the hassle and expense just don&#39;t compare.&#34; He said, &#34;It would be a better idea just to work with what we have.&#34; <br> <br> The association, based in Arlington, Va., has already developed detailed guides for storing information on licenses. Its current rules do not require states to include biometric data, such as fingerprints or retinal scans, but that could change. &#34;It was not practical, not before September 11,&#34; Root said. &#34;It wasn&#39;t popular to include anything like that.&#34; <br> <br> The association represents all the state motor vehicle agencies in the United States and Canada, and counts as associate members the U.S. government and Mexico. <br> <br> Privacy experts said a broadly adopted new standard for machines to check state ID cards could allow authorities easily to track citizens nationwide, using a state license everyone is already accustomed to carrying. <br> <br> &#34;The debate after September 11 showed that Americans are instinctively suspicious of a single federally issued card, but they might be more sympathetic to identifications issued by businesses or perhaps states,&#34; said Jeffrey A. Rosen, a leading privacy expert and associate law professor at George Washington University. <br> <br> Even supporters acknowledge that the impact of a national tracking network could be significant, especially if groups as diverse as retailers, sports stadiums, banks and movie theaters begin demanding ID checks using licenses. <br> <br> &#34;They&#39;re giving these systems too much credit in even assuming that somebody would be able and interested to track everybody&#39;s whereabouts and doings,&#34; Root said. But he also said critics&#39; warnings &#34;aren&#39;t totally without merit. There should be some controls placed, some kind of accountability.&#34; <br> <br> Root said he favors limits on which organizations can check the authenticity of a license against state records, since that check could create an electronic record of the citizen&#39;s location and business. &#34;It doesn&#39;t mean the liquor store has a need,&#34; he said. <br> <br> <br> ------ <br> <br>

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