
Tobacco growers upset about small quota increase

Posted 9:01AM on Sunday 3rd February 2002 ( 23 years ago )
ALBANY - Flue-cured tobacco growers have complained for four years about government-mandated production cuts that slashed their profits. <br> <br> This year, the government increased the quota by six percent - but farmers say they need a government buyout. <br> <br> Lamar DeLoach is a tobacco grower in Statesboro. He calls the six percent increase fake. He says it highlights the need for a government tobacco buyout and a new crop program that lets U.S. producers recapture foreign markets. <br> <br> Growers in the six flue-cured tobacco states will be able to produce 582 million pounds of leaf this year. That&#39;s 33 million pounds more than last year.

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