
Planners table lot density proposal

By by Jerry Gunn
Posted 10:21AM on Tuesday 18th March 2003 ( 21 years ago )
GAINESVILLE - The Hall County Planning Commission Monday night tabled a controversial lot density proposal.

The board is now scheduled to take the matter up again at its regular meeting in April.

The proposal would increase the minimum size for residential lots in the county to one acre.

The planning commission meeting at the Georgia Mountains Center was packed and thirty people stood up and spoke against the proposal. No one spoke in favor of it.

Some of those who addressed the planners said they feel the comprehensive plan, which is now under revision, should dictate lot sizes and not the county commission which is where this proposal originated.

Property holders, builders, developers, realtors and former city and county officials lambasted the proposal.

Former Gainesville City Manager Carlyle Cox said professional staff would recommend denial pending public input into the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

"This issue being discussed is causing us to lose good new industry because of our stupidity," Cox said.

Cox added that it takes a combination of commercial, industrial and residential development served by a sewer system to assure quality growth.

Former Planning Commission Chairman Maurice Robbins said quality development is accomplished by codes, not by lot size.

Nancy Hardin said trust was the issue concerning the county commissioners, who she said agreed to a year long process to develop a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and then decided a change to minimum one acre lots.

"The Hall County Commissioners have repeatedly dangled the carrot and hit us with the stick," Hardin said.

"I for one am developing a deep and abiding distrust of their words for their behavior does not bear out what their words speak."

Hardin added that the County Commission violated the public trust and questioned if the Commission sabotaged a legitimate land use plan that reflects the desires of the community.

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