
X-Files and chicken nuggets

By by Jerry H. Gunn
Posted 1:17PM on Thursday 19th May 2005 ( 19 years ago )
X-Files and chicken nuggets

All right, I confess.

Far be it for me to make fun of the "Trekkies," those folks committed
mind, body and soul to Captain Kirk and Co. and the Star Ship

I enjoyed that show myself, looked forward to it every week. It was on
the air every Thursday night on NBC as I recall.

So I guess I was almost a Trekkie, just never did buy an Enterprise
uniform or go to the conventions and collect all those neat posters and

Anyway, back to my confession.

I am what you could call and "X-Filer."

I followed the adventures of Moulder and Scully when the series was on
Fox and now I watch the re-runs.

I find myself watching in the wee hours sometimes, fixed and focused as
the dynamic FBI duo works its way through the relentless pursuit of
ghouls, goblins, ghosts, government cover-up of E.T.'s and of course,
the mysterious and malevalant "Cancer Man."

An episode I saw about two weeks ago really struck home.

It was about a poultry processing plant gone berserk.

During the climax, Scully came close to exiting the series for good,
minus her head.

As I recall, the mad scenario, a plant employee and a USDA inspector,
who were fooling around, come down all of a sudden with an unexplained
fatal illness and one of them falls into a weird chicken soup like

The plant workers all belong to a murderous cult fostered by the plant
founder, a WW II Navy flyer who crash landed on a Pacific island and
spent time with cannibals and head hunters.

Oh, did I mention that Moulder and Scully find piles and piles of human
bones when they empty a drainage canal flowing from the chicken plant?

The blood thirsty hatchet man, who nearly causes Scully to lose her head
during a midnight bonfire complete with a full moon, turns out to
be the county sheriff.

Isn't this great stuff?!!

Well, the intrepid Moulder, as usual, figures it all out, unveils the
fiendish plant founder and his followers, nails the evil sheriff with
one shot, and saves Scully's head along with the rest of her.

Oh, by the way, that sheriff - you should have seen that head hunter
mask he was wearing. Right out of National Geographic!!

The ex-Navy pilot-turned-head hunter-turned-chicken entrepreneur also
gets it in the end, apparently rubbed out by his own employees, but they
sort of leave you guessing on that one.

In the final scene, Moulder and Scully stand to the side waxing
philosophical, as they often do, while an entire brigade of USDA
inspectors in white lab coats and little white bump caps rush in to
close the plant down and throw away the key.

I didn't care for chicken nuggets for a while after I saw this episode -
but I got over it because, after all, if you live in Gainesville, you
gotta eat chicken.

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