
GSC 'Politically Incorrect Club' hears from Ron Paul supporters

By Jerry Gunn Reporter
Posted 4:12PM on Monday 28th January 2008 ( 16 years ago )
OAKWOOD - Gainesville State College's 'Politically Incorrect' Club Monday heard from Hall County Ron Paul supporters who urged the students to think for themselves and do their own research.

Travis Jones said the Republican presidential candidate's stance is for free market constitutional conservatism that supports turning away from federal government control.

Jones added the main message to the students is find the facts yourself and make your own decision.

"There's so many young people involved in it because the young people are more apt to go on the Internet and look for this information themselves; they're not as likely to use the mainstream media to get their information," Jones said.

Club member and student Jacob Davis said he was going to do exactly that.

"I'm going to make up my own mind," Davis said. "I'm not going to let anybody else tell me what to do as far as the presidential primaries or anything like that."

Davis said he plans to vote in the Super Tuesday primary next week.

Ron Paul co-organizer Patsy Trimmer said the mainstream media seems to be cutting Paul out of their election coverage.

"That's his biggest problem," Trimmer said. "The press has ignored him, they want to sit back and say that he doesn't exist."

Trimmer said Paul is in for the 'long haul' and has no plans to drop out of the race.

"He had a video this morning to his grass roots supporters where he said 'I will be here as long as you are here to support me."
Travis Jones speaks to students
Ron Paul organizer Travis Jones

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