CORNELIA - Even though the tax digest for Cornelia is up $1.7 million due to inflationary increase, city leaders anticipate collecting less taxes for Tax Year 2015.
To generate the same amount of taxes collected last year, the city would need to roll its 8.5-mill rate back to 8.41 mills.
Because of declining revenue from other sources, City Manager Donald Anderson is recommending the city keep its millage at 8.5 mills.
Tuesday night, the Cornelia City Commission held the first of three public hearings regarding the resulting 1.17-percent increase in property taxes.
Anderson explained the importance of maintaining revenue for city operations, noting that even holding at 8.5 mills the city will receive less tax revenue than from Tax Year 2014.
No members of the public spoke during the meeting.
City leaders say the tentative tax increase would result in a 74-cent increase for a home with a fair market value of $75,000. Non-homestead property with a fair market value of $225,000 would see an increase of approximately $22.05.
Additional public hearings on the proposed tax increase will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20; and at noon Tuesday, Oct. 27, at the Cornelia Municipal Building, 156 Foreacre St., Cornelia.