
The Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce and Brenau University to host a workshop for small business owners

Posted 1:00PM on Saturday 23rd January 2016 ( 8 years ago )
Lean Principles for Small Business, a three hour workshop facilitated by Dr. James Taylor, will cover ways to apply principles of continuous improvement for small business owners and managers.
Taylor, an assistant professor of Management at Brenau and 30 year veteran of the automotive industry, will be discussing how business owners can improve their management approach through Lean principles which are based upon the Toyota Production System.
"Lean is something that was started in big business, but I hope to demonstrate that for not a lot of investment or training that you also can use these principle to improve your business," said Taylor.
Another topic that Taylor will discuss will be the future of small business and the impact technology has it.
"As technology continues to replace front line jobs, workers are going to be displaced. So what are these displaced workers going to do? I think they are going to turn to small business either as an employee or an entrepreneur ."
The workshop will be held in the Jacobs building at Brenau University Tuesday morning at 8:30 in the Jacobs Building.
Tickets for the workshop are $15 for chamber members and $30 dollars for non-members.
More information can be found at the Greater Hall Chamber website

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