NACOOCHEE — Motorists driving south of Helen last week might have noticed some activity along the roadway at historic Hardman Farm: Dr. Scott Hancock of Nacoochee Valley Farm using a three-horse team and a chisel-plow to break up the compacted soil prior to planting of an heirloom variety of dent corn.
The planting is scheduled for this Saturday, May 7, weather permitting. Organizers say the public is welcome to stop by between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and see corn planted as it was many years ago with horses and mules.
Hancock will bring a team of horses, an old-fashioned corn planter, and friends who enjoy plowing the old way.
The event is free and visitors may make reservations for a guided tour of the historic house and dairy barn, and they can bring a picnic and just enjoy the pastoral scene.