The I-85 widening project in North Georgia is moving along much more quickly than projected, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation, and Phase 2 of the project begins Monday, Oct. 19.
"The I-85 Widening, Phase 2 corridor improvements will provide relief by widening I-85 from two to three lanes in both directions from SR 53 to just north of US 129," said GDOT spokeswoman Katie Strickland in a press statement issued last week. "Additional work on the project includes replacing one overpass bridge and six mainline bridges along I-85."
The first part of the work will be a paving project between Exit 129 and Exit 137. Strickland said lane closures will impact both north and southbound traffic during the overnight hours. Various lanes will be impacted between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. starting Oct. 19.
CW Matthews is the Design-Build Team for the project.
"The Department is leveraging the success of the I-85 Widening, Phase 1 project, which reached substantial completion in July 2020, by advancing Phase 2 of that corridor’s improvements," Strickland said, noting that Phase 2 of the project should be finished four years ahead of the original completion date.