Three public hearings have been scheduled for September regarding the Oakwood millage rate.
The hearings are September 1, September 8 and September 14, all at 6 p.m. in City Hall on Walnut Street.
The tentative budget was approved in November by Oakwood City Council, and Finance Direct Carl Stephens said now the millage rate is up for discussion as it's not a full rollback.
"The millage rate will remain the same, it's because the tax digest has some inflationary growth in it, by state law if we do not roll back the millage rate to make that inflationary growth equal zero, we have to advertise a tax increase," said Stephens.
Stephens encouraged citizens with questions or concerns to attend one of the hearings, or reach out to him directly via email.
And, based on the digest, Stephens said regardless of the outcome, their shouldn't be any strain on the aforementioned budget.