Local Girl Scout volunteers were recently honored at an award ceremony held at Homer United Methodist Church.
Honorees were presented with both Council and National level awards.
The Spirit Award honors adult Girl Scouts who have motivated and inspired others through a continuously positive attitude. Five local volunteers were presented with the spirit award, Adrienne West of Murrayville, Laura Seward of Bogart, Lisa Hollingsworth of Athens and Sonya Plunkett of Madison.
The Appreciation Pin recognizes superb service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience which helps the council reach its mission-delivery goals in that region. The appreciation pin was awarded to Debra Harden of Watkinsville and Pricilla Arend of Dawsonville.
The Honor Pin recognizes a registered adult Girl Scout's exceptional service in delivering the GSLE, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals. The 2023 Honor pin was given to Amy Atao of Crawford.
The Thanks Badge II honors a former Thanks Badge recipient who has gone on to provide incredible service in a leadership role that has benefited the entire Girl Scouts Movement. The Thanks Badge II was awarded to Betsy Connell, the senior director of the outdoor program with Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia.
