I am heading to the GAGOP convention this weekend and I am feeling dreadful about what we are going to see. There is still a large portion of the group that believe the election was stolen, believes in all the conspiracy theories and thinks “2000 Mules” was a court document.
I am not in that group but I am a work from the inside kind of person. I am a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, American, Georgian---then Conservative—then Republican. My political views are about 7th and 8th on the list of what’s important to me. But I still want to work from the inside of the GAGOP.
I am not going to sit on the outside and complain, but I am going to take heat, I am sure. I am unimpressed with the speaker line up and after our Governor put together a great win for Georgia and he won’t be there. There’s something wrong here.
If you are a Georgia conservative Republican, you need to take back your party. I’ll keep you posted.