
Hall Co. Commission approves subdivision that looks to serve disabled community

By Will Daughtry News Reporter
Posted 9:00PM on Thursday 13th February 2025 ( 3 weeks ago )

The Hall County Commission unanimously approved a proposed subdivision in the northern part of the county that looks to supply housing to the disabled population in Hall County.

“I got hit by a car when I was two,” Randy Owens, a Hall County resident speaking in favor said. “This is one of the dreams that I’ve been dreaming about, that I’d be able to live on my own and be part of the community.” 

The commission did have some stipulations at the Thursday meeting for the proposal off of Bogus Road. The proposal was for a 15-lot subdivision, with two homes for Adventures in Missions workers. 

Adventures in Missions is a religious organization that owns the land of the proposed development. The Hall County Commission agreed to allow 11 homes to be on the roughly 14-acre property until they can see it is a success.

“We granted it for the simple reason of the special needs community,” District 3 Commissioner Gregg Poole said. “Now with the HOA … and the two ministry spots saved, we’re assured it’s not just gonna be another subdivision.” 

The commission agreed to allot the 11 units after tabling it in a January meeting and will allow Seth Barnes, the applicant, to submit an application without a fee if it is a success. 

Adventures in Missions had another item on the agenda to amend the zoning on their property close by to expand services at a building on Wellspring Trail to serve as a gathering place for residents that was also approved.

Hall County Commissioners at a Feb. 13, 2025 meeting

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