Monday March 10th, 2025 4:43PM

Chicago's O'Hare beats out Atlanta for busiest airport

CHICAGO - O&#39;Hare International Airport has reclaimed its title as the world&#39;s busiest airport, according the Federal Aviation Administration. <br> <br> O&#39;Hare had 911,861 takeoffs and landings last year, beating out the Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, which was named the busiest airport in 1999 and 2000. Previously, O&#39;Hare held that distinction since 1961. <br> <br> Hartsfield handled 887,403 flights last year, the FAA reported Thursday. <br> <br> A jump in flights by small commuter jets increased overall flights at Chicago&#39;s O&#39;Hare by 2,884, while Hartsfield dropped by 26,046 flights, the data showed. <br> <br> Atlanta had more large commercial aircrafts than O&#39;Hare, but less regional jets. <br> <br> O&#39;Hare&#39;s increase partly is attributed to last year&#39;s reduction in hourly flight caps on regional jet operations, which are based on federal rules established in 1968 to limit flight delays. O&#39;Hare&#39;s regional jet flights increased by 22 percent last year. <br> <br> A relatively calm labor year for American Airlines and United Airlines pilots contributed to the flight increase. The airlines are the two largest carriers at the Chicago airport and have had to cancel flights in past years because of labor disputes. <br> <br> Good flying weather also helped to give O&#39;Hare the No. 1 spot. <br> <br> Some airline executives are taking the numbers as a call to advance quickly on O&#39;Hare&#39;s expansion. Mayor Richard Daley&#39;s $6.6 million plan would reconfigure runways to increase the airport&#39;s capacity. <br> <br> ``While operations were reduced nationwide at the end of 2001, O&#39;Hare was up for the year, traffic in Chicago is continuing to grow despite the down period overall and, boy, we&#39;ve got to get these new runways,&#39;&#39; said Peter McDonald, senior vice president for airport services at United. <br> <br> American spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan said O&#39;Hare&#39;s top ranking ``is just another reason why we need to see the governor and the mayor&#39;s plan for O&#39;Hare passed into law.&#39;&#39;
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