Wednesday March 12th, 2025 10:57PM

CNN defends airing of bin Laden interview

NEW YORK - CNN expressed resolve, regret and a bit of pique Friday after an influential Arab station cut its ties with the news network in a rift over an interview with Osama bin Laden. <br> <br> The disagreement began after CNN aired excerpts from the interview apparently made last October by the Arab satellite outlet Al-Jazeera. For undetermined reasons, Al-Jazeera chose not to air the tape or, for some weeks, confirm its existence. <br> <br> CNN said it received the 60-minute interview, during which bin Laden declares that killing innocent civilians ``is permissible in Islamic law,&#39;&#39; through unofficial channels. It began airing portions of the video Thursday. <br> <br> According to CNN, Al-Jazeera accused the American network of obtaining the tape illegally. <br> <br> ``Al-Jazeera will sever its relationship with CNN&#39;&#39; and will take action against ``organizations and individuals who stole this video and distributed it illegally,&#39;&#39; CNN quoted the Qatar-based station as saying. <br> <br> ``It&#39;s a shame that it came to that,&#39;&#39; CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan said Friday, ``but once the tape came into our hands, it would have been journalistically irresponsible to ignore it.&#39;&#39; <br> <br> Al-Jazeera is a 24-hour station owned by Qatar&#39;s government but known for a fairly independent editorial line. It reaches more than 35 million Arabs, including 150,000 in the United States. <br> <br> Since the start of the Afghan campaign, CNN and Al-Jazeera have had an agreement to share material. <br> <br> Jordan said that deal gave CNN the right to all Al-Jazeera&#39;s material and that it had done nothing illegal. <br> <br> The station&#39;s editor-in-chief, Ibrahim Helal, could not be reached for comment on its relationship with CNN or why the station never aired the interview. <br> <br> Initially, Al-Jazeera denied such an interview existed. But last month, Helal said he had several videos of bin Laden, possibly including a taped interview, that were not broadcast because they were deemed not newsworthy or of poor technical quality. <br> <br> ``I think Al-Jazeera has some tough questions to answer&#39;&#39; as to why it never made the tape public, Jordan said. <br> <br> The Arab station has repeatedly broadcast exclusive footage of bin Laden making statements on terrorism. Al-Jazeera also aired a video, released by the United States, showing the al-Qaida leader appearing to discuss the planning of the Sept. 11 attacks. <br> <br> But then, Jordan said, ``the one and only interview (with bin Laden) is not only buried as if it never took place, but Al-Jazeera misled people as to whether it took place.&#39;&#39; <br> <br> U.S. officials have urged American networks to be careful in airing Al-Jazeera&#39;s bin Laden videos, saying he could use them to send coded messages to his fighters. <br> <br> Government and intelligence officials apparently knew of the interview soon after it was completed.CNN said the U.S. government had a copy and British Prime Minister Tony Blair quoted the interview in a speech last November.
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