Friday October 18th, 2024 2:24PM

Firefighter's recovery 'the best Christmas present ever'

By Staff
WINDER - When firefighters and EMTs with Barrow County Emergency Services respond to calls they never know what will happen or how bad the call may be. On Sunday, November 28, Lieutenant Richard Carignan, and firefighters Jeff Jones, Mike Glover and Jordan Edge ran a medical call that will remain on their minds and hearts forever.

"With our job, you know there will be calls that are hard on you mentally," commented Interim Chief Skinner. "On this particular call these four guys not only had to deal with a true medical emergency, but also had to deal with the fact it was one of their own co-workers. That is the type of call none of us want to run and yet the four of them remained professional and gave the best possible care."

Firefighter/Paramedic Joe Baird was rushed by ambulance to Athens Regional Medical Center where he was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. "His family was told that he probably would not survive this," commented Chief John Skinner. "No family ever wants to hear these words, even moreso when young children are involved and it is around the Christmas season."

Joe was put into a medically induced coma until Wednesday, December 1. After coming out of this, he started what doctors call a miraculous recovery. Joe was released from the hospital on December 5 to continue his long recovery. When he came home his 10-year-old daughter Ashland put into words what many of his family, friends and co-workers were thinking.

"I got the best Christmas present ever when my daddy came home," said Ashland.

Of course his 4-year-old daughter Abigail had other thoughts on the subject when he came home asking him, "When can you play with me again, Daddy?"

When talking with Joe about this medical emergency he bows his head and becomes very thoughtful.

"First I want to thank God for healing me," commented Baird. "I also want to thank Him for my family and friends as well as my fire department family and my church family. They all stepped up and helped in so many ways that I cannot thank them enough or mention them all."

Joe also is thankful for the great doctors and nurses at Athens Regional Medical Center for all the great work they do. He is also very thankful for the amazing community support he and his family have received. "Even now I receive cards every day," stated Baird. "From people I know as well as people I don't know. I can't tell you how much that helps us in this struggle."

One of the things the family credits to Joe's recovery is the prayers and thoughts of so many people. When Joe's family and friends announced the news on some internet sites, such as Facebook, it spread fast. "We had people praying for Joe all over the United States and Canada," stated Joe's wife Elizabeth. "God heard our prayers and answered them. They told me my husband was likely not coming home and yet here he is. He is our Christmas miracle."

Joe Baird still has a long road of recovery ahead of him. When coming out of the coma, Joe suffered from memory loss, hearing loss and several other side affects. He is gaining many of these back but will be out of work for at least two more months and will have many doctors' visits ahead of him. This will include possible surgeries, medications and other medical treatments. His recovery is coming along great, but he has suffered a few setbacks including some allergic reactions to the medication he is taking.

Through the ordeal at the hospital, Joe's co-workers at Barrow County Emergency Services did a lot to help take care of the family while they stayed by Joe's side. From the minute the ambulance arrived at Joe's house, the firefighters stepped up and stayed with the family at the hospital. Throughout his time at the hospital there were always several of Joe's co-workers there to do whatever needed to be done. This included not only firefighters from Barrow County but from the City of Winder Fire Department and other area EMS and Fire Departments as well.

"We are like a large family. When one gets hurt or is sick we all come together as one and in a time of need we do all we can to help the family through the ordeal," commented Chief Skinner. "It is amazing to see so many of my fellow firefighters give so much of their time. I know it helped the family a lot to have people that cared around them and ready to do whatever they needed."

In the first week alone firefighters with Barrow County Emergency Services gave money to help Joe and his family through some of the immediate financial burden. "When you look at just meals and gas traveling back and forth the bills can add up quick," said Chief Skinner. "Very quickly many of us came together and collected $650 from within the department to give to Joe's wife while he was still in the hospital. We wanted to help Liz out and take one less worry away from her."

While Joe is in recovery, the family is worrying about one major issue. Although Joe has health insurance from his job with Barrow County, there are mounting medical costs. With every test, every medication, every doctor visit the deductibles continue to add up. Plus, due to the sickness, Joe has not been able to work his second job and Liz has had to take a lot of time off to care for Joe. This has sparked some help from friends and c-oworkers. On Friday, December 17 the Barrow County Professional Firefighters Association held a charity fundraiser at the Legion in Statham with proceeds going to the Baird family. On December 28 and January 18th Trinity Salon in Winder will be donating the proceeds from all haircuts to the Baird family. On Sunday, January 16th at 7:00 p.m. Crystal River will be performing a benefit singing for the Baird family at The Church At Winder. "I want to thank all of these organizations for all they have done to help us in our time of need," stated Joe. "Plus I want thank those individuals that gave, such as Commissioner Steve Worley and his wife who gave us a very generous donation."

If you would like to help Joe and his family, you can participate in any of the above fund raisers or you can send your monetary donations to Joe Baird c/o Barrow County Emergency Services, 222 Pleasant Hill Church Road NE, Winder GA 30680. "Joe has helped many people in Barrow County in their time of need," stated Chief Skinner. "Now the department and many others are continuing to step up and help him and his family in their time of need. It makes me proud of this department and this community."

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