Wednesday October 16th, 2024 12:19PM

Isakson says he wants payback for refugee kids

By Jerry Gunn Reporter
GAINESVILLE - Republican U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson said in Gainesville Friday that local and state governments should be reimbursed for refugee children.<br /> <br /> Isakson told his audience at Lanier Village Estates during his town hall "Update from Washington" that he'll introduce legislation requiring that reimbursement when he returns from the Congressional recess on September 9th.<br /> <br /> "We have 1500 kids coming across the border right now and probably more coming illegally because of the 2008 bill where you can't deport a non-contiguous person without an immigration hearing," Isakson said. "They're being placed in refugee homes, they're going to Georgia schools, going to Georgia doctors, getting Georgia food stamps and the local counties, Hall County, the City of Gainesville, the State of Georgia, are being stuck with the bill."<br /> <br /> Isakson said those governments should be reimbursed from the tax money being sent to Guatemala or Costa Rica or Mexico or whereever they're coming from.<br /> <br /> "That way at least the states are made whole and the kids from those countries are being paid with money that was going to that country," Isakson added.<br /> <br /> Isakson said English should be America's official language and immigrants should be required to learn it and speak it. As for illegal immigrants, he said it's time to 'flush them out' and one way to do that would be to create a secure I.D. that could not be forged.<br /> <br /> "We ought to create a biometrically secure I.D.," Isakson said. "That means your fingerprint or retina scan is on the card. We can do that now. We need to seal our borders and establish an immigration system that works."<br /> <br /> Isakson promised to keep his remarks brief because he wanted the meeting taken up by questions. He was confident the G.O.P. could gain control of the Senate in the November elections but said Republicans better have a plan if they become the majority.<br /> <br /> "We need to get all hands on deck on national defense, on attacking radical Islam, and see to it our borders are secure and on all the questions that came up today," he said.<br /> <br /> Concerning the Middle East, he said the U.S. must send a clear message to the terrorist group ISIS.<br /> <br /> "We just have to let them know there will be no more beheadings, there will be no more executions," Isakson said. "We'll hunt you out, we will root you out, we will find you and we will kill you."<br /> <br /> Isakson said the War on Terror that ISIS wages is different and in its own way more terrible.<br /> <br /> "War on Terror enemies want you to stay at home and cower in fear, lock your door and not do anything. We are fighting the most evil force ever known to mankind."
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