JEFFERSON - Jackson Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) is again celebrating National Lineman Appreciation Day but in the wake of the historic ice storm in February the electric co-op says this year's observance is all the more special. The storm slammed Jackson EMC's entire service area.
In the days following the storm, Jackson EMC linemen joined by linemen from 24 other EMCs in Georgia, Alabama and Florida restored power to 128,638 customers, replacing 182 broken power poles in the process. Bundled in heavy clothing to protect them in temperatures as low as 11°, those lineman coped with winds that gusted to 39 m-p-h, bringing down additional trees and limbs, and sometimes tearing down lines which had just been repaired.
“We are tremendously proud of the work done by our linemen and those from the family of EMCs that came to our aid. The work they do around the clock in dangerous conditions to keep power flowing to our members and protect the public’s safety was never better illustrated than during this storm,” said Jackson EMC President/CEO Chip Jakins. “Our linemen, as well as those across the nation, truly deserve this special day of recognition, and I invite our members to take a moment to use #ThankaLineman to show their support.”